Working together beyond blind football
Society For Rehabilitation of the Visually Challenged

About the Partner
Society For Rehabilitation of the Visually Challenged (SRVC) is a registered NGO in India, working in the field of rehabilitation of the VC (visually challenged) since 2002. SRVC has been taking a different approach by pursuing new avenues for employing the visually challenged in non-conventional areas, taking advantage of technology and by offering them the required training. 【The organisation's website was referenced】 -
Our Partnership
Although the representatives had been linked to each other through competitions before the partnership was established, the 2022 IBSA Blind Football Asia and Oceania Championships was the first opportunity for the organisations to collaborate. The same members of the SRVC also serve as the Indian Blind Football Federation ( ) and were responsible for organising these championships. IBF Foundation supported international sponsorship sales and the live stream of the tournament. Cooperation with the SRVC is expanding, including the joint implementation in 2023 of a project to solve social issues related to visual impairment.
Initiatives & Impact
The 2022 IBSA Blind Football Asia and Oceania Championships were held in Kochi, India, in November 2022. IBF Foundation holds the highest priority negotiating rights for international sponsorship sales and international broadcasting rights for IBSA's international football competitions, and also provides support at tournaments to improve the quality of international blind football competitions and work with each other to manage competitions.
In February 2023, 20 visually impaired people took part in an ideathon with the aim of generating ideas to solve social issues related to visual impairment. SRVC, which operates in Kochi, India, and IBF Foundation, which works globally and in collaboration with organisations in different countries, aim to improve the quality of life of the visually impaired, while utilising each other's strengths.
We welcome donations from both individuals and organisations. The funds will assist blind football tournaments as well as create innovative solutions for visual impairment.
Apply for a Grant
We provide blind football equipment and funds to organisations that support those living with visual impairment.
Become a Partner
We hope to expand our collaboration with companies and organisations that have diverse expertise to create solutions for visual impairment.
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